The purpose of the Young Investigator Award (YIA) is to stimulate research interest. The award will be presented at the PSSLD 2022 to the presenting authors of abstracts accepted for oral presentations. The awardees must be able to attend the 16th annual conference of PSSLD in Karachi in person. The award will cover the conference registration fee and three-night accommodation and will not be transferable.
Best Oral Presentation Awards
The shortlisted abstracts will be selected for oral presentations that will be presented during the free paper presentation symposium. Each presenter shall be given 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes to defend his/her work. Three awards will be given to the best three oral presentations:
1st Prize: PKR 75,000
2nd Prize: PKR 50,000
3rd Prize: PKR 50,000
Best Poster award
The shortlisted abstracts will be selected for poster presentations that will be presented during the conference. Three awards will be given to the best three poster presentations:
1st Prize: PKR 75,000
2nd Prize: PKR 50,000
3rd Prize: PKR 50,000
Hepatology Champions
PSSLD offers an exciting opportunity for trainees in Gastroenterology to participate in quiz competitions & win exciting prizes.
Each team will comprise 2 participants committed to participating physically